As a father of 4 children, we needed support for our twins, who were 4 years old at the time.
Tomatis Zooeyia was recommended to us through a friend.
Cattleya came to our house to get acquainted and very quickly established a good relationship of trust with
build them up. One of the twins is autistic and the other was hyperactive. She has started
with the Tomatis methodology and we saw improvements in both!
Catteleya has especially continued with the guidance of our autistic son and he also continues to make
progression in terms of:
-Playing with toys:
-Interest in the world around him:
-Making eye contact:
-Play with others:
-Emotion control
-Visual spatial skills
Since the summer, when our son with autism had already received several Tomatis programs, the following satisfactory results emerged:
- a decrease in hypersensitivity to noise;
- a significant decrease in hyperactivity;
-more willingness for the new
-improved social engagement (associating with other children, waiting their turn at the slide);
-emotional regulation;
- Listens better;
- More attention.
Cattleya is an interested, sweet and sensitive trainer who wants the best for our children and
herself also continuously tries to think along how she can best connect to get the best result
to get our children. This with honest and transparent expectations!
Thank you to Cattleya for your commitment and help!
- Steenhoven family
Alexa Young, CA